You've heard "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
But have you heard "If it ain't broke, don't service it?", no? There's a reason for that - preventative service on your AC unit makes good business sense.
It would be a rare thing for anyone to live or work in a space that doesn't have some form of temperature control. Just the cooling of buildings is said to account for about 20% of total electricity use worldwide.
For a system that is so widely used, little attention is given to the efficiency of air conditioning units and how this can decrease over time without servicing. Servicing is the regular care and maintenance of your air conditioning system, beyond the immediate fixes required during a system breakdown.
This regular servicing is commonly referred to as preventative maintenance, whilst fixing an active fault or breakdown is called reactive maintenance. Preventative maintenance helps to ensure that your air conditioning system experiences as little disruption as possible, and should be a key consideration when installing new HVAC systems.
We don't expect our cars to run for kilometres without some regular conditioning, so why do we expect our air conditioning to do so?
Listed below are just some of the reasons why implementing a preventative management system for your air conditioner will have your system performing at its peak, for longer.

Take the pressure off your system
Provided that you haven't had to recently service your system, air conditioners can often go years without cleaning. As part of an effective preventative management system, your air conditioner is checked for faults as well as its working parts being rigorously cleaned and replaced if required.
When the system doesn't have to work against accumulations of dust and dirt, air can easily and efficiently circulate through your home and office with minimal effort. Your air conditioner working at peak performance means lower expenditures of energy, with extra ease on your wallet as well.
Significant cost savings
The increased efficiency of regularly-serviced air conditioners allows for increased performance, meaning lower operating costs for you or your business.
A Canstar Blue survey found that 38% of Australian households suspected that air conditioning was the largest contributor to their electricity bills. When you consider that HVAC systems account for up to 50% of energy use and costs in commercial office spaces, the costs savings that would occur as a result of reduced use are obvious.
Although MAINair provides a 24-hour air conditioning repair service to its clients, preventing reactive repairs through regular maintenance will save you time - and a notable service bill. For more ways you can reduce your air conditioning costs, check out our blog here.
Longer system lifespan
Regular maintenance to prevent breakdown inevitably results in a longer life expectancy for your machine, as your system will be expending less energy to execute its duties.
MAINair experts generally expect that air conditioning systems have a lifespan of about 10-15 years. However, with proper care and maintenance, your air conditioner's life can possibly be extended by 5 years or more.
The longer your air conditioner lasts, the longer you can go without replacing and installing an entirely new system, saving you money and hassle.

It's easy to get started
Although there are are things you can do yourself to check that there are no obvious issues with your air conditioner, we recommend factoring in a preventative maintenance plan to the running of your system.
Experienced technicians are well-versed with a wide variety of air conditioning systems, they are able to thoroughly service your system and diagnose any problems early on. Saving you big in the long-run.
MAINair's service division provides detailed air conditioning service plans, tailored to each system. Clients also have access to our online portal, making it quick and easy to reach out whenever you require assistance with your AC system.
Preventative maintenance is about fixing your system before it becomes "broke", saving you time and stress in the long run.
To make sure you're getting the most out of your air conditioning system, speak to one of the team members at MAINair.
Contact us to either add a maintenance plan to an exisiting air system or to maximise your new one.